Friday, October 16, 2009

To Melba, Love Toast

Let's forget, for a second, that it was 30 something degrees out today and I ran out the house commando, completely unprepared for what was in store for me. Instead, take a gander ova' here:

My good friend Danielle, aka Melba, sent through a website that was probably intended to ward off those who can't help but eat anything and everything fried, greasy, and sure to clog every fucking artery in your body. NEWS FLASH: I'm one of those people. I love a good fried meal, and if bacon is anywhere on the ingredient list, you can be damn sure I'll be making sweet love to that plate.

Yeah, I'm guilty of cooking some pretty unhealthy stuff... and perhaps photographing it and sending it to those who can't have any, but does that make me a dick? According to some, it may make me a "Pretentious Gay Tool", but that's up to you. (My friend Dave Rubin has a weekly show in which this was brought up, and if memory serves, is guilty of doing the same damn thing... ) Anyway, if you've removed your face from the pool of drool in front of you, check out both sites. I'm telling you...

Good times... noodle salad.

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