Friday, August 17, 2007

Yo Mama'

Apparently I missed the memo, but when did Yo Mama' jokes come back? I'm on the train this morning and this group of... kids?... I'm not sure of their age, but they weren't teenagers, they were clearly younger than me, so I have no idea. Let's just call them assholes. So these assholes are bickering on the train back and forth at the other end of the car. Then... sadly... Asshole A busted out a Yo Mama' joke. Ready?

"Yo mama's so dirty, she tried to take a bath and the water jumped out."

Now, I didn't know whether or not to laugh or feel sorry for them, but I couldn't help but lower the volume on my iPod so I could hear more. I can't rememeber them all, but here are a few that followed:

"Yo mama's so ugly they filmed 'Gorillas in the Mist' in her shower."
"Yo mama's so ugly she was a stunt double for Chewbacca."

Yeh, I know.. stupid... but it was early, and sadly I turned down my music to listen to this. Does this make me as marginally pathetic as they are?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are friggen hilarious... love you... sorry about the peeing in public thing.. I can't help you out... but I'll ask around